Christmas is coming and guess who is all over the place? Santa Claus!! It is an age old debate among parents everywhere….do I tell my kids Santa is real or NOT? It really isn’t a difficult question for me. I always lean to the side of FUN. I am going to share my views on why you should tell your kids Santa is real. Yep…Nerdy Mamma has a view on just about everything, hee, hee.
The Reasons You Should Tell Your Kids Santa is Real
The Mystery of Santa Adds Fun to Christmas
Watching my children’s excitement over Santa coming and bringing them gifts is something I wouldn’t trade. I am sorry, but my kids just wouldn’t get as excited over ME getting them gifts. If they did then birthdays would be as fun as Christmas and they aren’t. PERIOD. The whole anticipation of Christmas and Santa’s role in it is just plain FUN.
Believing in Santa Can Help a Nerdy Mamma Out
Do you have one of those kids whose Christmas list changes a thousand times before December 25th? I have been there and done that. One thing I know for sure is that my kids will always tell Santa one thing they REALLY want. No child wastes their time with Santa on a mediocre gift. I mean we have all seen A Christmas Story, right? So it helps me narrow those really coveted gifts down and I can find out what they REALLY want for Christmas!
Believing in Santa Can Help Brain Development
Being the Nerdy Mamma that I am, I have read some interesting articles about how believing in Santa Claus can actually benefit a child’s cognitive and emotional development. Now that is a mouth full, lol. Apparently believing in impossible things can improve a child’s counterfactual reasoning skills. It can also help with deductive reasoning and the use of evidence. So if FUN isn’t a good enough reason, I think science is definitely a great reason to believe in Santa!
You can take my Why You Should Tell Your Kids Santa is Real viewpoint or leave it. I am not a mom who would ever judge someone for how they parent. I just think it is fun to share my view because I love to read what other people think. The Santa debate will probably NEVER end. I know that we have fun at our house and that is how I like it.
All that is really left to do is for you to PIN this post so you can read it again next year! You may need to refer to my stance on Why You Should Tell Your Kids Santa is Real in a playground discussion, LOL!
Nerdy Mamma Holiday Ideas Abound! Here are a Few that You Want to Check Out:
10 Ways to Hide Christmas Presents from the Kids
Mini Pecan Pies

Mamma’s Ultimate Cheese Ball