Nerdy Mamma’s Top 5 Parenting Posts for 2015

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This roundup of parenting posts from Nerdy Mamma are so hilarious...I can't stop laughing!

With the beginning of a new year, I totally want to say thank you to all of you lovely and fabulous readers of this humble little blog. We’ve had a lot of success in 2015 and to make sure you didn’t miss anything of awesome value, I decided to pull together Nerdy Mamma’s Top 5 Parenting Posts for 2015. There’s a lot more in our archives, but, since we’re trying NOT to be weird about it all, we’ll just focus on these 5…you know, not to overwhelm you with our awesomeness. Heh.

top 5 parenting posts from NerdyMamma feature

Nerdy Mamma’s Top 5 Parenting Posts for 2015

  1. 10 Phrases That Actually Work with Toddlers – Just a quick-and-dirty overview of 10 ideas and sayings that toddlers can understand and work with. Because they’re so not linguists. Heh. If you loved this one, be sure to check out my latest toddler-driven insanity: Simple Tricks for Talking to a Toddler So They Actually Listen. It’s a winner…chicken dinner…
  2. How I Turned Breastfeeding My Infant into Bonding with My Toddler – A true-life story of how it’s ok for my toddler to climb on my head while I breastfeed. I’m cool that way. Or I’m just a jungle-gym. If this one really floats your boat, head on over and check out: 10 Truths About Breastfeeding, the skinny on how it is.
  3. 10 Weird Things Toddlers Do with a New Baby – And I know it can’t just be my toddler. No way that happens. No way. And if that’s just a hilarious post and you want more silliness, you should totally read: 10 Ugly Truths After Giving Birth. The struggle is real, y’all.
  4. 5 Fun Ways to Cope with an Angry Kid – Because, sometimes, you just have to laugh in the face of death-threats and fisticuffs. Or flip-off a kid who makes you cray-cray. Whatevs. Heh. This made you giggle? 5 Ways to Cope When Your Teen Accidentally Sexts You will totally set-off your laugh-box.
  5. Unexpected Reasons Why Your Baby Is Crying (Maybe) – Or maybe you’ve heard them all before, whatever, I just wasn’t aware of them and thought I was being a genius. Feel free to shake your head at me and laugh. And laugh at my 5 Crazy Baby Hacks I Wish I Knew Before Baby, too.

best parenting humor posts from 2015 fb

If you want to see more of 2015’s top parenting posts from more than 30 other FABULOUS bloggers, check out This Year’s Best Parenting Tips over on The Jenny Evolution!

This Year Best Parenting Tips

As always, if you loved this post, or want to see more like it, drop me a line in the comments below. We love your feedback!

Thank you for sharing!

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