Not too long ago, you made a comment saying that you are sad that your babies are growing up. First, let me say that I never want to see you sad. Secondly, I can empathize. To My Adult Daughter: Don’t be sad, it gets better.
To My Adult Daughter: Don’t be sad, it gets better
Many years ago, before I had children, the passage of time was too slow. I wanted to grow up, be an adult, make my own decisions. After you and your brother came along, I realized that time was really FLYING! The two of you were gaining on me, for sure.
But I recently realized that it just keeps getting better as time goes on. You and I have shared a whole lifetime together as Mother and Daughter. We’ve had lots and lots of good times–experiences that are only shared by people with an invisible connection (the heart string). While nothing can compare to the feeling of holding your newborn for the very first time, there’s also nothing that can compare to the feelings you’ll experience when your child discovers and/or learns new life. Maybe he or she will paint a picture that is amazing for a child of that age, learn to cook a favorite dish, work for and purchase his or her first car. Graduate from high school, then college, marry, have children of their own.
Yep, I know, it hasn’t all been good. There have been some rough patches. The good news is that we got through those, too.
What I’m trying to tell you is that your babies are definitely not going to be babies forever (thank goodness), but you are going to enjoy your children and your relationships with them even more as time goes on. When I was a young mother, I doubt I could have imagined being a grandmother. But let me tell you, it is great. Not only do I have you, my precious Daughter, but I have your children as well. There is nothing to compare to holding the baby of your baby.
So, don’t waste even five minutes on being sad that time is flying by and that you’re not able to spend enough time with your babies. Just be thankful that you have this time together and look to the future with a sense of adventure and delight.