How to Raise Daughters to be Good Sisters

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I love this parenting advice on how to raise daughters to be good sisters. I mean--I guess I've been over thinking it.

So, I’ve been at a loss for a while now. I never expected to be blessed with even one little baby girl–much less two. And now that I’ve got ’em, I feel like I’m flummoxed over How to Raise Daughters to be Good Sisters–because I never had a sister. And I’m not even really sure what “good sisters” are. But, I think I’ve got this figured-out. And, maybe it wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be…

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How to Raise Daughters to be Good Sisters {even if you didn’t have a sister}

  • Relax. I think sometimes I get all tense and worried about things that just don’t need worrying about. Case. In. Point. I mean, seriously, how many people are so concerned about making sure their children are good to each other that they write a whole blog post about it?! I’m a nutter. And I need to relax about this–or I’ll be sabotaging it from the sidelines.
  • Let the Sisters Take the Lead. Aaaand that’s another good point. Since I’m on the sidelines as mom–and not in the trenches with this, I have to let someone else be in control. The two of them need to build their relationship together, without me trying to push them. So, I let them take the lead. I let them control what they share. (not literally–they HAVE to share that bear…I will not put up with the fighting over that bear, end of story, heh)
  • Encourage Gently. Like with the bear. There’s no need for me to panic if a moment of friction happens. I just need to encourage them to work it out, together, and find some way be supportive of each other. Even if that means taking turns with the bear.

How to Raise Daughters to be Good Sisters {even if you didn't have a sister} fb

  • Be a Good Example. For reals. They both love me. They both shadow me. And if I exhibit good behaviors toward them and the others in my life–say good things, give good hugs, share, etc.; well, I will be showing my shadows how to build their relationship together in a positive way.
  • Patience. Good sisters are not made overnight. My brother and I were not two peas in a pod from the first day–we had our rough patches. And my daughters will, too. Only time will make them good sisters to each other. Not rushing to try and make perfect from day one.
  • Foster Connection. I limit the time they spend apart. I ask the older one to help me with the younger–and I ask the younger to participate when doing things with the older. I want them to play together, to be together…to feel that they are a unit that supports each other and is greater than the sum of their parts. So, to do that, I have to give them the opportunity to do all those things and develop that relationship. Right?

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What do you think? Am I on the right track with How to Raise Daughters to be Good Sisters? I feel like I need a little reassurance here. Leave me a comment–or drop me a line on Facebook. I would hate to being going off in the wrong direction here…heh.

Thank you for sharing!

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