As part of being a mom, I’ve committed, in my heart and in little whispers in my babies’ ears, that I am going to provide a better life for them than I had.
Not that my life was bad, or a struggle or anything of the sort (which really does leave a lot to “do better than”) but I just want better for them, if that makes sense.
Two of the ways I’m working to do just that have recently collided in a way that’s helping me figure out How to Inspire Your Daughter to Aim Higher (mine specifically).
Seriously, with Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (paid link), it’s really easy to start taking baby-steps toward helping my daughters grow up to be powerful women, which is, at the root of my plan, how I intend to help them aim a bit higher and go a bit farther than I have.
How to Inspire Your Daughter to Aim Higher
One of the biggest struggles I think I faced growing up was the lack of female role models.
I had no idea what I could be when I grew up because I didn’t know it was possible to be so many millions of things–and that I could do them even if I was a girl.
Not that my mom, my grandma and a million of the other women around me (teachers, mostly) weren’t awesome.
But, I didn’t know any women engineers.
No women doctors.
No women scientists or any other professional woman in a STEM role…nothing.
My kids are no different.
Inspiring Girls to Aim Higher
No matter the fact that they have a strong mom to look up to (and grandmas, too) but my daughters, like any other little girls, need more female role models to look up to and help shape their futures as powerful women in their own right.
So, I take them to female doctors.
I go out of my way to point out that they CAN and should think about being a paleontologist or veterinarian.
And I make conscious decisions to share stories with them about the great women that have played a role in our history–to inspire them to go big.
The Bedtime Routine
I’ve even brought this into our bedtime routine, lately.
We’ve always read to the girls every evening before bed, but a new book has become their favorite–and I like that.
The new book? Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls (paid link).
They’re bedtime stories with a purpose.
Real, true stories about inspiring and real women that share a lesson in empowerment on every page.
I love that I an provide that to my kids and share how reading and building those basic structures for those kinds of concepts in their minds through books can inspire them to greatness.
And they’re also, always, positive stories.
There’s never a weird vibe or anything overtly “ladylike” in any of them (meaning, nothing that demeans the powerful woman in the story).
And, going to bed on that note, can really inspire a kiddo to greatness in their dreams, which carries on into their day.
I hope you’ll join me in this effort and figure out How to Inspire Your Daughter to Aim Higher, in your own way.
Because we should all aim just a little higher.
Stay rebel and read a goodnight story to your daughters tonight that inspires them to aim higher.
Other Reading that You Will Enjoy:
An Open Letter to My Adult Daughter: Don’t be sad, it gets Better
5 Tips to Teach Your Daughter to Balance Being a Princess and a Scientist
How to Raise Daughters to be Good Sisters {even if you didn’t have a sister}