I was such an idiot. I didn’t even think. When my baby outgrew her size 1 diapers, well, I just tossed them. I mean–I held onto them for a month or so, just to make sure that I was right and she really did need the larger size. I. Was. So. Stupid. That was about 100 diapers just tossed. Don’t make my mistake. Please Don’t Throw Away Those Unused Diapers – This is Why.
Please Don’t Throw Away Those Unused Diapers – This is Why
More than 5.3 Million Babies…that’s about 1-in-3 families–can’t afford enough diapers. What would you do if you couldn’t afford diapers? It’s bad, let me tell you that much. And SUPER-stressful for the moms and dads that are facing this problem on a daily basis.
So, What Do You Do With Those Unused Diapers?
- Find your Local Diaper Bank.
- Host Your Own Local Diaper Drive.
- Make Monetary Donations to National Diaper Bank Network.
Basically, anything to get those baby booties covered. As for me, I partnered with AWHONN during their Healthy Mom&Baby Diaper Drive, in partnership with Huggies®, and the National Diaper Bank Network, to reach out to moms and other parents, who, like me, are already focused on “back-to-school” shopping–which I’m pretty sure is YOU.
If you’d like to purchase diapers to be donated in my community locally, you can do you using Amazon Wish List! Hope Supply Co. is a diaper bank in Dallas that provides diapers to families who are struggling with diaper need. Click here to visit their Amazon Wish List, where you can purchase diapers via Amazon to be sent directly to the bank. Simply add a pack of diapers from the list to your cart, proceed to check out, and be sure to select Hope Supply Co.’s shipping address from the list. Your diapers will go straight to their door and be distributed to families right here in Dallas, Texas.
So, while you’re at the store, picking up glue sticks and colored pencils, binders, paper, composition notebooks and backpacks, just make a stop in the baby aisle. Grab a box of diapers in any size, then driving them over to your local diaper bank on the way home. Easy. Peasy.
I did it with my littlies in tow. You can do it, too.
My Local Diaper Drive
On July 25th, I joined-up with the Denton County Pokemon Go! Group hosted by Freaks and Geeks, LLC, a local comic book store, to put on our own local diaper drive at their first meetup. There were SO many people–and they were all excited to learn more about the desperate need for diapers and how they could help. We reached a group of people who don’t probably really think about diaper need on a daily basis, being that they’re (mostly) young and gamers–geeks and nerds like me–and got them to make a huge contribution to help local babies in need.
It was really just so moving to see a crowd of gamers (not a group you think of as “coming together”) come together to support a cause that is so meaningful. Thank you, all. Each and every one of you that contributed to the over 1,300 diapers we were able to donate together; each and every one of you that listened to the details of the Healthy Mom&Baby Diaper Drive; and each and every one of you that gave back to our community. You guys rock.
But, those 1,300 diapers are just a drop in the bucket. Those babies use a lot–a lot a lot. So, let’s do this. Let’s help wipe out diaper need and get donations to National Diaper Bank Network to reach the goal of 250,000 diapers this year! Spread the word by sharing this post (pin it, share it on facebook, tweet about it–anything). And let’s get those baby-butts covered!