I’m lucky. Sometimes, I forget just how lucky. But, as I’ve been told more than once by my mom and dad: I. Am. So. Lucky. But, I’ve nearly been not-so-lucky. I’ve nearly been down to my last dollar in the bank and nothing in my wallet. And, since I’ve had babies…I’ve begun to wonder: what if I wasn’t that lucky and things hadn’t turned around for me at the last minute. What if I’d had my babies, but faced a very different financial situation? And it makes me wonder: What Would You Do If You Couldn’t Afford Diapers?
What Would You Do If You Couldn’t Afford Diapers?
- Dry the diapers and try to reuse them? Expect a lot of diaper rashes. And, remember, you can’t afford diapers, so how are you going to afford that fancy diaper cream that gets rid of rashes quick. That’s right. You can’t.
- Try to fashion your own diapers out of old clothes or towels? Um, that’s not going to be pretty…and then what are you going to wear tomorrow?
- Send your kid to daycare without an adequate supply of nappies? It wouldn’t fly. They’d get kicked-out. And then what?
- So, without a daycare, you’d need to quit your job so you could stay home with your kiddo, right? And then how are you going to afford to eat?
See the terrible and potentially un-ending cycle here? Does it shock you to know that 1 in 3 families in the United States are faced with this type of diaper need: not having enough diapers to, at a minimum, keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy (we’re not talking the extra-upon-extra-heaping diapers that you change just because they’ve been on a while–whether or not they’re soiled…).
Can you even imagine being in that position?
Would it surprise you to find out that moms reported to researchers from Yale University that not having enough diapers was more stressful to them than not having a place to live or enough food? I can totally get that. I can’t imagine being stuck in that situation.
The study, published in Pediatrics, puts an exclamation point on what we all, as moms and dads, are already in the thick of: Parents just want to do right by their kids and will do anything to keep them happy and healthy.
So, What Are We Going to Do About It to Help?
I’m partnering with WHONN during their healthy Mom&Baby Diaper Drive, in partnership with Huggies®, and the National Diaper Bank Network, to reach out to moms and other parents, in the trenches with me in our own family-needs, getting ready to get neck-deep in “back-to-school” shopping. While you’re out there getting deals on glue sticks and colored pencils, binders, paper, composition notebooks and backpacks, stop on by the baby aisle. It’ll be easy, I promise. Just start by throwing a bag or box of diapers into your shopping cart and heading to your local Diaper Bank to drop it off.
OR, even easier than getting out of your house, just make an online donation at DiaperDrive.org to help those 1 in 3 families in your town.
Either, way, let’s do this. Let’s help wipe out diaper need and get AWHONN to it’s goal of 250,000 diapers this year! Spread the word by sharing this post (pin it, share it on facebook, tweet about it–anything). And let’s get those baby-butts covered!