Planning for back to school or home school projects? This Pineapple Sun Catcher Craft is a fun craft. It can also be a great motor skills craft. Grab a pair of scissors, yarn, and washable marker and your good to go! This craft is easy and comes from things you generally already have around in your house.
What you need:
- 8 to 10 strips of yarn
- 1 paper plate
- washable markers
- tape
- hole punch
Draw your best pineapple and cut it out. Cut a few strips of yarn. Tape them to the back of the plate like int he video below. Color the front of your plate. We used yellow! The punch a hole at the top and tie some yarn through to hang it. Hang it up outside and watch the sun make cool shapes through the pineapple on the ground.
Pineapple Sun Catcher Craft Video:
You may also choose crayons over markers. We just had markers laying around. Paint would also work if your looking for more a swirl pattern on the pineapple.