Christmas is closer than you might think–a Facebook status popped-up today that said I only had like 6 weekends or something. I’m officially in trouble. However, I feel like you still have time to save up money so that you don’t have to max out your credit cards (which I HATE doing for Christmas). Whether you cut out unnecessary expenses or get paid to shop for everyday items, you can save for Christmas now–you just need to have a plan.
Saving for Christmas Now
Cut the Crap
First things first. You want to cut out all the crap your family doesn’t need. For example, if you’re buying a $5 cup of coffee each morning, that’s $150 a month! That can buy some really awesome gifts. You can also get rid of your satellite service and save, on average, another $150 a month. And, let’s not forget about that gym membership that you never use. Unless you’ve paid in advance, cancel your membership to save even more.
Use the Envelope System to Save Money
Do you have a problem when it comes to variable expenses? If you want to stick to your budget, you need to put a set amount into an envelope for each variable expense. When you go shopping, take the envelope with you, but leave your credit and debit cards and checkbook at home. This will force you to stick to your budget. I do this all the time.
Eat Down That Stockpile
If you have a large stockpile in your pantry, freezer, and fridge, now’s the time to start living off that stockpile. You will be able to greatly reduce your monthly costs on groceries. Depending on the size of your stockpile and the size of your family, you could save $800 to $1000 a month. I know people that ate for like 3 months from just what was in their pantry. That’s crazy-cake.
Do Small Jobs
There are so many small jobs you can do–my parents painted holiday signs on plywood and sold them in our front yard for YEARS. Nowadays, you can even do small jobs online. Fiverr is a great place to earn extra money. You can do small jobs and add extra services to your orders so that you make a lot of money from each order. Look around on the site to get ideas of what you could do.
Get Paid to Shop
Last, but not least, you can use Ebates, Ibotta, and Checkout 51 to get paid to shop. With Ebates, you can earn a percentage back at certain stores. With Ibotta and Checkout 51, you can select items you want to buy and then get paid for buying those items, including everyday essentials like milk, bananas, bread, and more.
Have a Garage Sale
Clean out the closets, and maybe the attic (what about the garage). You may have hundreds of dollars worth of good stuff that you just don’t use anymore. A garage sale is a good way to de-clutter and bring in a little extra money.
So, if you want to save money for Christmas now, choose one of these tips–or all of them–and get started. You’ll build up a nice wad of cash before you know it. And, maybe you won’t be so crushed when January comes around with your credit card bill. Don’t believe me? Pin this, then sleep on it. Trust me, you can do this.