So, if you haven’t heard, I had a little get-together this last weekend. I was sure I had everything in place. I mean EVERYTHING. I was so careful to have the balloons and the table set up early in the morning, I got the appetizers half-done and set in the fridge for easy completion and distribution…But, when my second guest arrived and asked “what do you have to drink?” I drew a blank. I had the supplies, but had forgotten to make my Easy Blueberry Lemonade. Seriously. I whipped this up in less than 5 minutes–totally saving the day.
So, when I brought-out this chilly, easy blueberry lemonade, my guests were more than a little relieved (I’m sure my look of panic when I raced back into the house made them less than confident in my further plans, but no matter). I mean, it wasn’t like I MEANT to leave them without a drop to keep them from getting parched…it was just such a nice day, it didn’t even occur to me that I needed to have that ready. Heh.
And I was super-glad that I didn’t wait to pop some photos to share with you lovelies here on the blog, because the first pitcher was gone in just a few minutes…apparently my guests liked it as much as I do. Which is good. It would have been less than optimal to serve them something terrible. Just sayin’.
Easy Blueberry Lemonade

Easy Blueberry Lemonade
Easy Blueberry Lemonade. Seriously. I whipped this up in less than 5 minutes--totally saving the day.
- 8 large lemons
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 cups blueberries
- 1 gallon water
- Pop all of the lemons in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
- Once you remove the lemons from the microwave, roll them on the counter under your elbow.
- Both of these initial steps are to create as much lemon juice as possible.
- Slice lemons in half and squeeze into a strainer (you don't want any seeds) before pouring into a gallon-sized pitcher.
- Be sure to set aside one half of a lemon for slicing as a garnish.
- Crush 1 cup of blueberries either by hand or in a food processor, then strain the juice into the lemon juice, discarding the blueberry pulp and skins.
- Add water and sugar.
- Stir until sugar is completely dissolved.
- Slice remaining half lemon in thin slices and drop into the lemonade along with the remaining cup of blueberries.
- Serve to those parched, thirsty guests of yours! LOL!
And, the really awesome thing about this recipe is that it’s kind of unique, fun and you can mix it up a little, if you want. I’ve even gone so far as to freeze the whole blueberries before dropping them in. Makes for some fun ice cubes…LOL! But I’ve also tossed-in ice cubes and raspberries to make a whole red-white-and-blue drink, too. You know–for Memorial Day or Independence Day, that kind of thing.
For whatever day, let me know if you end up trying this Easy Blueberry Lemonade recipe–I’d really love to know what you think! Just drop me a line in the comments below or feel free to find me on Facebook!