I have nothing to say to the cold and flu but: DIE!
I hate cold and flu season and we have to get ahead of it every year or we’re buried in sniffles from September to February (meaning: for-eeeeever).
This year, it’s already started, we have 3 runny noses and a clogged sinus.
Seriously, I say this all tongue-in-cheek, but cold and flu season is no joke for our family. And it starts as soon as school gets back in session.
To make sure we make it to school and work without being sick messes, we stay on top by following these 3 Tricks for Surviving Cold & Flu Season.
3 Tricks for Surviving Cold & Flu Season
- Disinfect Your World. I know you’ve heard of Spring Cleaning–but that’s not soon enough for me. With the change in weather and increase in inside play, I like to grab a big giant bottle of my favorite disinfectant while I’m hitting Sam’s Club for their top-rated Member’s Mark 3-ply facial tissue. Then, with plenty of disinfectant, I go through and do a big cleaning bash. And I keep cleaning throughout the winter–picking one thing to focus on, like door knobs or flat surfaces. Sure, it means I’m cleaning throughout the winter constantly, but it’s worth it if no one gets the flu.
- Get 3-Ply Protection from Germs. Look, there’s nothing that can really prepare you better for cold & flu season than a strong 3-ply with the extra protection from germs. I place a box of tissues in every room. Every. No, really, I put them everywhere. Because you never know when the need to sneeze might arise or your nose might just need a little scratch. If you don’t have a tissue near, then it’s germs-into-the-air every time. I can pick up cute, trendy boxes for every room at Sam’s Club. Seriously, the Member’s Mark Premium 12-pack of 3-Ply Facial Tissues has over 900 3-ply sheets of germ protection. They’re soft and never scratchy–but thick and super absorbent. That way I know that when my kids are using a tissue, they’re actually wiping something up instead of just smearing something around.
- Switch to Paper. Look, I know it’s more earth-friendly to use washable everything, but leaving a half-wet towel on the kitchen counter all day and everybody drying their hands on it? Not sanitary. Especially during the time of year that germs abound. Just think about how many times people are sneezing and then washing their hands? And maybe they’re a flu-carrier? And they just used your pretty washable towel in the guest bath? And then so did your kid. Sigh. Just put paper towels in the bathroom. Snag a big pack of paper towels (I do) at Sam’s Club–you’re already hitting them up for a 12-pack of Member’s Mark 3-Ply facial tissues, so it’s not like it’s going to add time to your trip. You can even use Scan & Go or Club Pick-up if you want to save time. I like the Club Pick-up, but if I am not 100% sure of what I want to buy, I use Scan & Go…you should really check it out.
If you love these 3 Tricks for Surviving Cold & Flu Season, be sure to pin them–so you can come back to them next year for a reminder!
And don’t forget to grab a big pack of Member’s Mark 3-ply facial tissues…you don’t want to get caught without a box when the holidays hit and all those people are in your house with their germs…eeeewww…
I’m not kidding. Don’t forget to pick up the new Member’s Mark 3-ply facial tissues as you stock up on holidays. DO NOT FORGET.
Here’s a sneak peek of the Spring/Summer box hitting the shelves of Sam’s Club soon!