Alright, this adult coloring page business is really kinda fun. There, I admitted it. Now I can go about my business, right?
Because I have another “free evening” coming up where the kids will be at granny’s house and the hubby stuck at work…so I’ll be FREE!
And with a little ice cream, a glass of wine, maybe one of the Star Wars movies…I’ll be printing every one of these 18 Absurdly Whimsical Adult Coloring Pages so that I can R-E-L-A-X all by my lonesome.
I even found a cute bathtub tray (paid links) that I can color on while I take a warm dip…perfection right there, my friends. Here are 20 Essentials for the Best Coloring Experience that you’ll need to check out!
Here are Your 18 Absurdly Whimsical Adult Coloring Pages
To see all 18 Absurdly Whimsical Adult Coloring Pages, just use the arrows at the top or bottom of the post!
Then once you see how cute the pages are, enter your information in the form at the bottom of the post to get access to your free printable coloring pages!
And, if you love these coloring pages for adults, be sure to check out my other collections and my BRAND NEW COLORING BOOK!
Just click on the pics below to go to the corresponding post. There’s hours of coloring entertainment here… so that’s RATHER awesome, just sayin’.
This ridiculous little dude…I love him.
Lemme remind you one more time–if you love these coloring pages for adults, be sure to check out my other collections! Just click on the pics below to go to the corresponding post.
And there’s no duplicates (I think), so you can totally get over 100 pages…so that’s RATHER awesome, just sayin’.
Be sure to share with your friends, if you love these 18 Absurdly Whimsical Adult Coloring Pages–you know you want to. LOL! Now, take a sec and pin this to your Coloring Pages board, so you’ll be able to get back to it in a flash!
How to Color Whimsical Adult Coloring Page
Absolutely one of the most relaxing activities you can undertake. No mistakes, no take-backs, learning how to color an adult coloring page is EPIC.
- Any one of the links listed above
- Coloring Pencils or Markers or Water Color Pens
- Find a flat surface to color on.
- Place your coloring page on the flat surface.
- Pick your favorite color for the selected page.
- Starting in the center or in a corner, color one section. If satisfied, move on.
- Color similar shaped areas with the same color.
- When all the similarly shaped areas are filled-in, switch to a second, complimentary color.
- Repeat until the entire subject of the coloring page is completely filled in.
- Enjoy hanging your artwork.