Alright, so the biggest election of my life is here, my lovelies and I felt I needed to do a little electioneering (since there’s no way to rig this vote, heh). Right now. Right. Very. Now. Go vote for the new OREO Cookie flavor: Jelly Donut. You can access the Flavor Vote (exclusive to Walmart) on their voting page. It’s ok. I’ll wait–go on. DO it. Ok, did you vote for Jelly Donut??? I know it’s not cool to ask (at least, that’s what my mom told me in the 5th grade), but come-on…Jelly Donut, people! OREO Cookies that are flavored like Jelly Donut! The world would just be perfect with that flavor in it. Can you guess that I’m Voting for Jelly Donut, Hands Down? Heh.
Ok, so before we go any further, I feel obliged to tell you about this fun new thing that has got me and my son bonding over–well, fun stuff (including the vote to rule the world because Jelly Donut flavor is awesome, I mean the vote for the new OREO Cookie flavor): Blippar App. If you’ve not heard of it, go download it. It’s fun, interesting and you can find out all sorts of neat stuff about random things (ie. apparently my dog makes Blippar App think of Shakespeare…but whatever). Wanna see what I’m talking about?? (HINT: You can play with and have fun with the Blippar App with this whole voting for the Jelly Donut OREO, or your favorite flavor OREO–which should be Jelly Donut.
I’m Picking Sides in the Election: I’m Voting for Jelly Donut, Hands Down
I’m showing my love for Jelly Donut flavor OREO Cookies in my little selfie with the cookies…what will your selfie say about you??? (heh, I just cant’ stop giggling as I type all this).
Wanna make your own selfie, vote and do all things fun with Blippar App? Here’s a quick rundown of how it works:
Remember, we have to vote wisely. This is the first time OREO is holding a Flavor Vote and we really want them to do this again so we can continue to get awesome flavor-voting opportunities. And, man, how I love that Cinnamon Bun flavor OREO Cookie that I got the other day, but would be so tickled if it could be joined on the shelf by Jelly Donut…ah, my wistful voice just arrived…heh.
OK, so, remember, the OREO Flavor Vote is exclusive to Walmart, so go there–not somewhere else because they won’t have it…Walmart ONLY. And, there are 3 candidates for the Flavor Vote information: Jelly Donut, Cookies & Crème and Caramel Apple. However, I urge you to do the right thing (heh) and remember, we’re voting for Jelly Donut. Jelly Donut…say it with me…Jelly Donut. Heh.