So, yeah, I’ve got a little bit of a silly streak. So sue me. No, not really–I don’t think being silly is a sue-able offense. If it is, I’m in trouble. That’s all I’m saying. So, back to the “Egg Yolk” Peach Custard Tarts. I think they’re hilarious. I think they’re doubly hilarious because they are totally eggless. I mean, that’s like making a chicken out of tofu and serving it. IT’S FUNNY. For reals, this will be the most amusing thing I put on my Easter Brunch serving table. My guests will giggle. That’s for dern sure.
I’ve been chomping at the bit to make these since I thought of them at the last family dinner about a week ago. I mean, my mom was saying something about keeping Easter cute for everyone. And I literally had to bite my tongue to keep from blurting out this idea. Well, I love it. I hope you do, too. As silly as they are, it’s like a sweet treat with a giggly side. Nothing like what they look like. Lemme make this more blunt: They do not taste eggy. Heh.
The custard I used was totally inspired by the Texanerin…She’s so good…
“Egg Yolk” Peach Custard Tarts

"Egg Yolk" Peach Custard Tarts {Vegan and Gluten-Free}
"Egg Yolk" Peach Custard Tarts. I think they're hilarious. I think they're doubly hilarious because they are totally eggless.
- 1 1/2 cans coconut milk, not separated--so don't refrigerate
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- pinch of salt
- 1 tspn vanilla extract, clear--use clear, PLEASE, I"M BEGGING!
- 1/2 tblspn coconut oil
- 8-12 canned peach halves
- 1-2 pre-prepared vegan & gluten-free pie crusts
- Preheat oven per the directions for the vegan pie crust.
- Cut circles slightly larger than the size of your tart cups and place your circles in the tart cups.
- Place tart cups in the oven the oven for 10-12 minutes or until crusts are lightly browned (per the package directions, my friends).
- While that's in the oven, make your custard by combining the sugar, salt and 2/3 of the coconut milk in a small sauce pan.
- Place over medium heat and stir occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved.
- Mix the remaining coconut milk and cornstarch together. Keep stirring past the lumpiness--it will smooth out (and you need it smooth).
- Add the coconut milk and cornstarch mixture to the sugar/salt/coconut mixture and whisk continually.
- Keep whisking for 30-60 seconds or until the custard thickens--IMMEDIATELY remove from the heat or your pudding will be all runny (the cornstarch will get all broken-down and busted).
- So, yeah, set that aside and allow to cool until your pie crusts are done.
- When your pie crusts are ready, remove from the oven and allow them to cool completely.
- When the pie crusts are cool (ugh, I'm so tired of waiting!), fill each with the custard approximately 2/3 full.
- Immediately before serving, place a peach half on the top of each tart.
- Serve within 24-48 hours and watch as everyone giggles a little. Heh.
Let me know how your “Egg Yolk” Peach Custard Tarts turn out! I’m excited to see if you think of any variations. Just drop me a comment here or gimme a shout-out on Facebook!