Every year, it’s the same issue…my son goes back to school and a few days later, the sniffles strike. It ALWAYS starts with my husband, then me–then my son and my daughters. It’s like he’s Typhoid Mary until right there at the end. So, this year, I put together A Prepared Mom’s Guide to the Back to School Sniffles. Here’s to hoping I don’t need it.
I’m just so sick of the being-sick-cycle. For reals, if we can avoid having yet ANOTHER “everyone’s sick day” day, I would just be such a happy camper. See, because it’s like this: anytime they’re sick, Mom is the nursemaid. Doesn’t matter if mom is sick…not at all. I’m REALLY hoping that this Prepared Mom’s Guide to the Back to School Sniffles keeps me from being swamped with drippy noses and coughing bodies. Heh.
A Prepared Mom’s Guide to the Back to School Sniffles
Step 1: Prevention. Keeping my son current on vitamins? Check! We try to do some immune-boosting at the beginning of the year, just to try keeping the ick out of our house. Well, we’re going to try this year–we’ve been less than proactive before…heh.
Step 2: Fend-off the Germs. Cleaning little hands with Purelle? Check! Oh, so I sent some travel-size ones along in my son’s backpack. But then, there’s a bottle by the door and when he gets home from school–BAM! Wipe those hands, boy! LOL!
Step 3: Check for Real-Ill or “I’m Just Playing Ill”. He does sometime fake it. That kills me. The Kinsa Thermometer has my back, though. Heh. So, yeah–check! And don’t be playing me no more, little man. Heh.
Step 4: Stock-up on Kleenex (I’m not kidding). Like 9 Million boxes. No kidding. Because snotty noses are the four-horsemen of evil-sickiness. I have my 9 Million boxes at the ready. Check! And, if I ever run out of one box…I just get more. Seriously. Need that many on hand. LOL!
So, what do you think about this Prepared Mom’s Guide to the Back to School Sniffles? Hit me up with a comment below or share it!