5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills

Thank you for sharing!

Oh, man, this mom nails it on the head--these are the top 5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills that they need to know!

I feel like teens are getting the shaft sometimes because they’re so reluctant to, like speak, to their mom or dad about things that might actually come to be very important to them later in life. Its as if the kids really feel like they should take the hard road and learn things for themselves…which is tre-not-cool. I’m not having it with my son. He’s going to learn these 5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills if I have to tie him to a chair and yell it at him. Heh.

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Seriously, these 5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills are something that I really feel like they need to master before they try to get their first job–but especially before they try to get out of the house and into “real life”. They’re just like basic things that, if they don’t master, it could really affect their quality of life–and they may not even realize it. Hmmm…

what teen girls need to know before college sq

5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills

  1. Clear-up that Acne. Seriously, if they don’t learn to keep that face acne-free…they could have scars on their face that just tanks their self-confidence. I got my son to try the Oxy 28-day challenge…and now he washes his face e’erday. Heh.
  2. Vitamins = Healthier Life. And, let’s not forget that they can help with all sorts of things (fiber can help digestion, that kind of thing…big, important stuff). So, yeah, build the healthy habit of a vitamin a day. Like an apple…you know. LOL!
  3. Trim Those Nails (Seriously). Not only is it a huge turn-off if someone has nails that are creepy-long and gnarly, but they’re also a huge detractor for the job-seeker. Being well manicured can be the difference between someone wanting to shake your hand and work with you–and wanting to shrink away and run.
  4. Do YOUR Hair. Boys–that stuff needs to be trim and clean and all sorts of kempt. Girls–you have to figure out which style is more flattering for your face. It’s sad, but true, these things will make all the difference in a job interview, a date, just relationships with friends, even. Bad hair is bad person…just a fact of life.
  5. Please, Wear Some Deodorant. Please, I beg of you–just try not to stink. I can’t even tell you how critical this can become. One stinky day…just one…can ruin relationships and end jobs. Geeeewww…

self-care tips for teens fb

Would you add anything to my list of 5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills? I’m teaching my son all of these things–and hoping he picks up on them quickly. But, like all teens, he’s reluctant. Somebody get me some rope. Heh.

Oh, man, this mom nails it on the head--these are the top 5 Critical Teen Self-Care Skills that they need to know!

Thank you for sharing!

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