5 Ways to Treat a Diaper Rash Naturally

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It’s like a never-ending-revolving-door of baby rashes at my house. As soon as I get one bottom clear, the other baby’s butt is irritated. I’ve got to where I just use some combination of these 5 Ways to Treat a Diaper Rash Naturally constantly. I mean, I get it that a baby’s skin is like five times thinner than an adult’s, but I’m pretty sure if I sat in poo for 10 minutes 2-4 times a day before I decided to tell my mommy that I was dirty–I’d get rashes, too. Regardless, because that skin is more delicate, it just needs to be treated gently–and this is how I’m doing it (especially when it’s all owie).

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5 Ways to Treat a Diaper Rash Naturally

  • Lose the Baby Wipes. Baby wipes are full of chemicals that I wouldn’t wipe my own bottom with–why the heck would I put that on a rashy baby?! Plus, they’re (more often than not) anti-bacterial. Do you know what that means? Kills the good bacteria along with the bad. Which a rash-bottom needs to heal. So, switch to a paper towel or wash cloth.
  • Calendula Diaper Rash cream (paid link). This is Weleda’s best-selling baby product for a reason. A winner of the Parent Tested Parent Approved award, Calendula Diaper Rash cream gives fast, gentle relief for diaper rashes, using organic, anti-inflammatory calendula extract while fair trade beeswax provides a breathable layer of protection (neat-o!). With no chemical fragrances or preservatives, it provides a safe and natural way to treat diaper rash, which is why it’s my new favorite irritation-reducer-method.

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  • Nekkid-ey Time! Air-out that baby butt. Trust me. Dryness is just the kick in the patootie that some rashes need to get gone. Because diaper rashes and heat rashes are cousins. Just like how yeast infections and athlete’s foot are cousins. And dry air gets ’em all.
  • Spray & Pat. So, irritated skin can be further irritated by wiping (follow me here), so, sometimes, you gotta stop wiping. But I in no way intend for you to let bebe wallow in poo. No, get a little bottle of saline spray and squirt some on that bum. Then pat with your paper towel or wash rag, instead of wiping. So much more gentle and just as effective.
  • Oatmeal Bath. Alright, so this is me, recommending the “big guns” here. An oatmeal bath can sooth some of the worst irritation. So, if you’re in need of giving baby a bath and she’s sporting a terrible rash-don’t go with your normal soap and water routine. Give her an oatmeal bath and kill two birds with one stone.

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Do you have any other ideas I can add to the list? I’d love to expand my toolbox of ways to treat a diaper rash naturally. So, leave me a comment below or hit me up on Facebook. I love to hear from you, my lovelies!

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