Whether you’ve had a blog for awhile or you’re just starting-out, you’re always going to need to make improvements (heck, I do and I’ve been doing this for a while). These 5 Tips for Improving Your Blog give you an idea of exactly what you should be improving on your blog–and help you get AND retain readers (because they’re not showing-up for a reason).
5 Tips for Improving Your Blog (Because It Might Kind of Suck)
Have Personality
Make sure your personality shows in your writing. I don’t know how to say this more plainly. This gives a stronger connection between you and your readers because your readers want to know that there is an actual human being behind the words. They want to feel like this is a friend telling them all about whatever–or helping them learn a little…OOP! That’s #2…
Be Helpful
Don’t just write day-in-the-life stuff. It’s interesting every now and again, but, honestly, people are looking to the internet for helpful advice WAY more than they are for “this is how Susan’s day went”. Things like “5 Tips” (uh, hmm…), “85 hacks”, “how to”–those are all “viral” posts in the making.
Social Media
I’m not talking about signing up for EVERY single social media out there (seriously–what even IS Snapchat?!), but figure out which ones your audience uses most and make sure you are very active on those platforms. There is nothing blog readers love more than when their favorite blogs are connected to the same social media platforms they are so they can follow and keep updated. This will also open up the opportunity to build a bigger audience because of all your readers sharing with their friends. And, frankly, it’s how every blog gets readers now–SEO is great, but Social Media is king. For me, that’s Pinterest, by the way…just FYI.
Grab their Attention
You’re going to want to make sure you have pictures, titles, and content that is going to grab the attention of the readers and maybe even make them think “well, this is genius” just from a glance. This is how I’ve had such success with Pinterest and getting people to click through from there to my blog. Make your content stand out so it will draw others in and keep them coming back. Always think: “Does this LOOK good as well as READ good?” (Because you know that’s kind of the point of a blog, that whole read good thing…LOL!)
Clean it up
Sometimes blogs can get messy and it’s understandable because you have a lot of work to do just to keep up with new content. But, every once in a while, take the time to make sure that everything is in order (like do you have too many pop-ups? I think I might…). Having a messy blog will drive people away if they can’t find what they are looking for. It’s like they’re intruding on your messy desk and they’re gonna want to leave.
Having a blog can be hard–especially if you are doing it all on your own, which most people do (erhm, me for the last year, mostly–my mom helped with writing some recipes…but mostly it was all me). But, like any job, blogs are constantly in need of improvement and with these 5 tips for improving your blog, I hope you have an idea now of how to make your readers come back time and again. Do you have any other tips you would add to this list? Share in the comments or hit me up on Facebook…and don’t forget to pin this puppy…so everyone can see how easy it is to, you know, improve their blogs. LOL!