I am so excited to be getting in the pool with my girls this year. The heat has spiked a couple of times and we’ve gotten our toes wet…but not much else. I. Can’t. Wait. Mostly because I love swimming so much and I want them to share in that joy. So, I put together this quick list of 5 Things to Remember When Introducing Baby to the Pool, so I won’t forget in a couple of weeks–in all my excitement. Heh.
Oh, and these thoughts even apply if you’re RE-introducing kiddos. So, keep that in mind as you read…because first time in the pool in a year can be like a whole new experience for toddlers.
I can’t wait to introduce my baby girl to the pool this year with the SwimWays Baby Spring Float (paid link). I wish I’d had this last year–and the year before, too (oh, wait, we didn’t do a pool that year because we didn’t have a baby, heh). The whole SwimWays Teach Me to Swim – Swim Steps system is just short of brilliant
Check out this video series from SwimWays–with their 40 years of swim-instruction experience jam-packed into great tutorials to help you teach your kiddo to swim. It’s seriously good stuff, and the Baby Spring Float is just a piece of engineering brilliance, helping kids stay safe, but also easy to store and pack…so you can take it anywhere. I seriously cannot wait to start teaching my bebes to swim with it.
5 Things to Remember When Introducing Baby to the Pool
- Shallow. Although the SwimWays Baby Spring Float supports kiddos, it’s still a good idea to keep the water shallow. Like just don’t go into the deep end, then lose your footing…it wouldn’t do for you to drown while teaching the kid to swim. Heh.
- Warm. If the water’s too cold, they’re not going to like it. So, if you can, get that water nice and warm. Not like a bathtub warm, but not a frigid straight-from-the-tap-with-the-hose, either.
- Fun. Make sure the first experience is able to be fun. Bring some toys, have the older kiddos splash AWAY from baby–or even show her (gently) how to splash for herself. Anything to make the experience imprint as a pleasant one. And not a terrifying one.
- Short. Keep it short and sweet the first time. Probably no more than 15 minutes. You don’t want to overwhelm her or fatigue her. Learning new things is stressful–even if they aren’t exhibiting signs of stress in the moment. So, just plan on a short playtime in the pool.
- SUPERVISE. Don’t let go of baby. No kidding. I understand (not from personal experience) that a baby can drown in as little as 3 inches of water. So, keep a hand on baby at all times. Especially that first time. And NEVER walk away. Just take baby with you, if you need to step away. And you can totally use swimming “training wheels”. The Swim Steps program has products for every skill level, to help your kiddo build confidence in the water so that eventually, you can step away–but just not that first time.
What do you think? Is there anything missing from my little list of things to remember when introducing baby to the pool? Leave me a comment below…and let me know how your baby’s introduction to the pool goes. And, don’t forget, the Baby Spring Float is available online and in-store now through Toys “R” Us. So, go ahead and get yours…the weather will be turning soon! Heh.