5 Phrases that DON’T Work with Toddlers

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These 5 Phrases that don't work with toddlers is too funny, but oddly truthful. I love it.

So, I know that I’m not crazy. My toddler, smart as she is, isn’t capable yet of understanding some of the words that I say, and certainly not some of the phrases that come out of my mouth. I can see it in her eyes–so I know, I know that these 5 Phrases that DON’T Work with Toddlers. But I say them anyway (as I think most moms do) and this is why.

phrases you should say to a toddler even through they don't understand feature

They’re so cute when they’re asleep, aren’t they. I mean, I just want to…anyway…it’s like they know they’re getting away with murder, simply because they don’t really get the meaning of these phrases. And you kind of have to give it to them. I mean, that’s pretty smart, right? They know. But then they don’t, so they can totally ignore you. I mean, I wish that defense held-up in court. Like “Judge, I knew I wasn’t supposed to run into traffic, but the language my mommy was spouting was not something I quite got–so I just ignored her. And you have to give me a get-out-of-jail-free-card because, you know, I’m cute.” Damn them, because that DOESN’T work in court. Heh.

5 phrases that don't work with toddlers and why I say them anyway fb

5 Phrases that DON’T Work with Toddlers (And Why I Say Them Anyway)

  1. Do You Understand? Clearly, toddlers do not. Or they wouldn’t have asked/done that thing/initiated the asking of that phrase by mommy. I say this to mine, though, because, one day, a lightbulb will flash, and I want to see it. I want to be there when my toddler says, “Yeah…”
  2. Don’t. Oh, man, this one is tough. It almost sounds like mom is just kind of grunting in your general direction. Very loudly. Insistently, even. And if the toddler does happen to look back at mom…it’s more to find out why she’s choking and barking like a dog. Silly mommies, right? But I keep trying, because I know (I KNOW) that the urgency in my voice does carry-through and she’ll turn around to find out why I’m dying…so I have time to grab her and keep her out of the street.
  3. Be Patient. Right, because RIGHT NOW is when they want it. Not in a minute. And maybe that is what I should say instead–but she doesn’t know what a minute is either, so….it’s all abstract. But I will say it every day, because it IS teaching her that she WILL get what she wants, but she just has to…(wait for it…) be patient. Maybe it’s teaching her the act of patienting. I’m not sure. But I like that. Nice word-invention, me.
  4. Hurry. This is a killer for a lot of moms. “Hurry” is so nebulous of a term…my 13 year old sometimes doesn’t even understand the meaning. But they need to learn. This is a huge one. And I can’t give up on it, because, frankly, when we’re lighting out of the car, headed into the emergency room–I want them to eventually have learned what “hurry” means. It’s important. Very important.
  5. Go To Sleep. Please. For my sanity, I will keep saying this. Even if it only elicits the funniest response from my toddler in that she just lays her head down (with a huge smile) and fake-snores. She has no clue what going to sleep actually means–but she’s darn cute. And I keep saying it just because I need to (because I want her to sleep, dangit!) but also because, in that moment, when I’m frustrated that her nap is 2 hours over due…she’s so cute when she fake-snores, and it saves my brain from exploding. LOL!

what we say to toddlers makes a difference in their understanding of the english language sq

So, what do you think? Would you add anything to this list of phrases that don’t work with toddlers? Hit me up on Facebook and let me know!

Thank you for sharing!

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