5 Crazy Diaper Changing Hacks I Wish I’d Known

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OMG! I love these 5 crazy diaper changing hacks! They're so easy--I can't believe I didn't think of them...and the trick with the pillow cover Genius.

I was so naive. I’d never changed a diaper (paid link) before I met my first baby 2 1/2 years ago. Now, after 2 babies that have gone from one end of the diapering spectrum (premie to potty trained), I feel like I’m somewhat of an expert at doing it. I mean, I can diaper a kid in less than 30 seconds. That’s a feat considering I had to have help from the nurses the first dozen times…LOL! Honestly, though I think all new parents should know these 5 Crazy Diaper Changing Hacks I Wish I’d Known Before I Changed One. Would have helped me a TON. Heh.

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5 Crazy Diaper Changing Hacks I Wish I’d Known Before I Changed One

  • Changes To-Go. You cannot rely on that stinker to stay still. Even if they do, you’re going to want to change that baby downstairs when all your changing stuff is upstairs–or vice versa. And then there’s the time you want to change them on the bed when your stuff is in the bathroom. Get a basket. Just keep your materials in there. Wipes, paper towels, diapers, whatever you need. This really changed how stressful it was to find the diaper rash cream when you needed it…
  • Diapers Count. Seriously. When they’re new, you want little bitty ones that don’t pull on the umbilical cord. When that little one starts moving–climbing stairs, you know, that kind of thing, you have to have diapers that move with them. Repeat after me: “You NEED diapers that MOVE with THEM.” You have to buy the right diaper for the right stage. We’re in the MOVING stage. So we’re now using Huggies Little Movers. No bunching, no leaking–perfect. Especially for that day you catch the kid climbing up the stairs. Heh.

  • Changing Pad Cover. They’re expensive and ridiculous. And they get poop on them–so then you’re washing them 900 times. An easier way to cover that pad (so your cutie’s patootie doesn’t get cold on the plastic) is to throw an old pillowcase over it. Yup. It fits. Try it. Heh.
  • Hose ’em Down. There are times when you just can’t wipe enough–or you don’t even want to try. It would be easier to just hose them down. But you can’t really do that in the yard. And the shower–eeeewwww…so, you grab a squirty bottle. But, that doesn’t even work. I found a new hack: using that saline nose-spray for babies. It comes out at just the right pressure, and wetness, and is totally hygienic and safe for their bottoms (I would assume because, you know, you were planning on squirting it up their nose).
  • Rash Cream Always. I don’t know about you, but I have the WORST time keeping these bottoms from getting the dreaded rash. I change diapers frequently. I avoid anything that might set-off their sensitive skin. I even let them run nekkid sometimes just to get something different going on. But the honest truth is, the only time I have ever REALLY kept diaper rash away is when I use diaper cream with every change. That seems like a lot, but a thin coat seems to do the trick. So, we do it. And we’ve been diaper-rash-free for over 3 months now.

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Would you add anything to these 5 Crazy Diaper Changing Hacks? Drop me a line in the comments below–and be sure to pin this and share it with your friends on Facebook. The whole world needs to know! LOL!

OMG! I love these 5 crazy diaper changing hacks! They're so easy--I can't believe I didn't think of them...and the trick with the pillow cover Genius.

Thank you for sharing!

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