Let me start by saying, I don’t think my 13 year old is on the verge of having sex. No, he’s really socially awkward and has no skills with the ladies whatsoever. So, I really don’t think I’m in danger of having to have the “sex talk” quite yet. But I know it’s coming and I want to be prepared. See, I know that, one day in the next 3 years, I’m probably going to find out that he’s crossed that threshold with me being none-the-wiser. Before he does, though there are 10 Things I Hope My Son Learns Before He Has Sex. Actually, I kinda wish all boys learned this…would make the world a better place, I think. Heh.
10 Things I Hope My Son Learns Before He Has Sex
- Accept Responsibility. If you’re not man enough to be responsible for the outcome, don’t even walk that road. Because, no matter the precautions you take, there are consequences to sex.
- Raincoats Rock. Diseases Suck. Babies Before You’re Ready Suck. Enough said.
- Choose the Right Partner–Not the Partner Right Now. Both people need to be ready and if they’re not on the same page, no nookie.
- No Means: Stop, RIGHT NOW. It doesn’t matter what else might be going on, that train stops with those two letters–and the train has 2 drivers, so he can say it, too.
- If It Hurts, You’re Doing It Wrong. I wish I’d known this. Honestly. I didn’t know…and it took 2 surgeries after years of pain to enjoy myself. Very unfortunate.
- The Build-up Is Important. There’s more to sex than just having sex. I understand that it’s kinda easy for dudes to enjoy it all without too much warm-up, but not girls. So, to make it fun for both, maybe some lead-up would be smart. Most of the time.
- Backseats are Cool, But Don’t Get Caught by the Cops. Don’t be stupid, don’t get caught. Tickets for indecent exposure suck. And they are real.
- Confidence is Great But Asking Questions is Awesome. You can’t always be in charge. Remember, there are two people driving the train and they each need different things. So, communicate and ask questions (and not just: was it good for you?).
- She’s More Than a Good Time. Do not “love ’em and leave ’em.” No man does that–just little boys.
- Consequences. If there are unforseen consequences–like a pregnancy; mom and dad will be there to help. But that does not mean we will be happy about it. The same goes with disease. We will help, but there will be grouching.
Not that I ever wish my son to have sex before he’s married and like 34. Let’s be very clear on that point. But I think, to put my head in the sand and say it’s not going to happen, is probably one of the stupidest parenting mistakes I could make. So, if his dad and I just try to talk it up easily, gently, over the next three years or so and maybe our little bit of the world will be nicer for it. Karma, right?