This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Amopé™. The opinions and text are all mine.
I know it’s so cliché to say that I love shoes, but I mean, who doesn’t love to wear awesome shoes? As a result of my love for footwear, I happen to have a collection of shoes that I don’t ever wear. After being pregnant and going through all sorts of body changes and everything, I had to face the facts: that favorite pair of flats of mine would likely never adorn my tootsies again. I tucked them into a box and muttered something about saving them for my daughter, vintage ballet flats kid, envy of your friends someday when these puppies join your collection…But, this weekend, something changed. This weekend, I’m Wearing My Favorite Shoes Again. Dude–I’M SO STOKED.
Wearing My Favorite Shoes Again
Over the weekend I happened to be at Target, where I was browsing the aisles, indulging in that mom vacation fantasy world. You know, the one where you sip your coffee and look at everything at the Dollar Spot or whatever? I found myself in the aisle with gel insoles and I dared to dream… could there be hope for that pair of shoes that, between friends, haunts my dreams just a little? (Seriously, y’all, they’re like a little shimmery and that taupe color that just goes with EVERYTHING…and make my feet look DAINTY, which for a size 10…you know what I mean…) With nothing to lose–and unknown amounts of comfort to be gained–I grabbed a pair of Amopé Gel Activ Flat Shoes insoles. They were about $10 and I considered how many pairs of shoes I really might be able to wear with a great pair of insoles (it’s a lot, actually). Hmmm, I thought–I could do this.
And then, to find out there was a 5% OFF Cartwheel offer? Well, I just couldn’t pass that up. Shoes that I love, but hurt my heel? And a coupon for insoles that might make me fall back in love with my favorite shoes? Could. Not. Pass. It. Up. When I got home, I dug under my bed, where I’d kicked those pretty shimmery taupe ballet slippers (with the so sweet knot on top) when I took them off about 6 months ago, in agony that I was still having the same pain I’d felt during my pregnancy. I lined up my Amopé Gel Activ Insoles in the ballet slippers, and immediately thought: these are so thin...and squishy… I tried on these once-upon-a-time favorite shoes a little skeptically–the insoles were just SO thin. But quickly, I was strutting around the house. They felt great. I was wearing the shoes of my dreams and there was NO pain. So, I started digging around for others of my “favorite shoes” I’d discarded under the bed during my pregnancy. Because, guess what? These insoles come in 4 styles for an awesome fit for ALL the cute shoes, no matter what style–I mean, each insole is specially placed just slightly differently in the shoe so that it aligns with the pressure points of the shoe-type. Genius.
If you want to try these awesome insoles for yourself, you, too can get a %% off at Target cartwheel coupon, which is awesome considering how inexpensive they are to begin with–and how they can basically double your shoe-choices (without having to actually buy new shoes…). I mean, seriously, how many pairs of shoes do you own versus how many do you actually wear? These insoles allow you to wear them ALL. Sweet.