There are SO many ways to promote the content of your blog, but, the BIG question is: which is the best? Facebook? Stumbleupon? Yummly? Snapchat?! While there’s no right answer–every blog is different, so the answer will be different for everybody. But, for me, Pinterest brings the blog traffic to the yard and that traffic is betta than yar. And, if you’ve been blogging for more than 3 seconds, you probably know that Pinterest can be a blogger’s best friend. At the very least it’s a tool that, when used properly, can boost traffic insanely. So, let’s do this and breakdown how it works and why it’s such a great tool.
How Pinterest Brings Blog Traffic
The Basics
So let’s start with the basics, ok? When someone pins your post to Pinterest, someone else can find that pin, click it and get to your site. So at the VERY least, you need to be pinning every new post (and old post if you haven’t yet) to Pinterest ASAP.
Group Boards
Any blogger can join one of about a billion community boards called group boards. These boards are usually a combination of multiple (sometimes hundreds!) of bloggers or Pinterest users. The great thing about group boards is that they generally have a HUGE number of followers. If you’re an outdoor blogger and you can find a board for the best camping tips, just find the owner (the person who’s avatar is on the far left, at the top of the board is usually the owner) and request to join.
Your pins that you then place on those group boards will be seen by so MANY more people than if you were to just post it on your own board. And there’s a bonus; if someone likes the content you’re adding to the board, you may just get yourself a new follower. Followers on Pinterest means that you have the potential to gain even more traffic! That’s like a two-for-one deal!
What’s Trending
If you go to Pinterest right now, you’ll probably notice a recurring theme. This can be used to your advantage. You can see how everyone else is styling their boards, and you can see what’s hot right now. A great way to use this to your advantage is to look at what’s trending. Let’s say that outdoor DIY is trending right now and you happen to have yourself and outdoor blog. Hop on your blog, write up a post about how to make something at home and throw it up on Pinterest (especially on the group board you just joined). Now you’re part of the conversation and gaining more followers and more traffic.
What do you love best about Pinterest? I’d love to hear your ideas down in the comments!