My kiddo asked for a dinosaur and dragon egg nest for her birthday party. How could I not deliver?! So I made these amazing Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls!
They’re so very tasty, easy and fun.
Plus, frankly, these Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls are freaking beautiful.
I literally can’t get over how cool they are.
And, let’s be honest, I’m not spectacular cake decorator, so when these Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls turned out SO FREAKING AWESOME…well, I was more than just a little proud.
For real, I surprised myself with how cool these are.
And they’re so simple. Check out this quick video I made of making them–so SIMPLE!
[adthrive-in-post-video-player video-id=”TUjba1tM” upload-date=”2019-04-09T15:00:00.000Z” name=”Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls” description=”Easy cake balls made with marshmallow fondant, vanilla cupcakes, and cake frosting that are shaped to resemble eggs with scales, similar to those perhaps imagined in Harry Potter books and related movies like Fantastic Beasts.”]
The basics of the Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls is the awesome Simple Fondant Recipe I used. It’s super stretchy and totally took about 10 minutes to make.
And the cake? Just some random cupcakes I made–nothing special.
But somehow, I ended up with this amazingness…so cool.
Definitely loving how the gold decorating spray (paid link) made it all sparkly and have that golden dragon egg sheen…very Game of Thrones, if you ask me.
I mean, these could definitely be Game of Thrones Dragon Egg cake balls, if you know what I mean…LOL!
Ok, so you’re really digging these Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls, but you don’t have marshmallows to make the fondant?
That’s ok. Don’t panic–never panic.
Just pin this post that way you can find it when you’ve got the marshmallows in hand.
Easy, huh? LOL!
Oh, and don’t forget to drop a 5-star rating on these Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls if you love ’em.
I seriously think you will–they’re amazeballs. Heh.
Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls

Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls
My kiddo asked for a dinosaur and dragon egg nest for her birthday party. How could I not deliver?! So I made these amazing Harry Potter Dragon Egg Cake Balls!
- 12 cupcakes or 1 cake, made from your favorite cake
- 1 container or batch of marshmallow fondant
- 1 can of your favorite frosting
- 1 can Gold Cake Spray
- 10-15 drops Black GEL Food Coloring
- Break-up cupcakes into crumbles in a large bowl.
- Mix cupcake crumbles with frosting until completely combined.
- Form into 12 egg shapes with your hands and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or wax paper.
- Place in the freezer for 10 minutes to set.
- Work black GEL food coloring into fondant until the desired color is consistent throughout.
- Separate fondant into 3 equal-sized pieces, set 2 aside and work with one piece at a time.
- Roll the ¼ section of fondant flat (about ⅛-inch thickness).
- Cut into 4 sections with a sharp knife.
- Remove eggs from the freezer and wrap one egg in one of the sections of fondant you just cut.
- Repeat until all eggs are covered in fondant. Do not try to work the egg too much, just get it covered--the more you handle the fondant, the more sticky it will get.
- Place eggs into the freezer for 10 minutes to set.
- Remove eggs from freezer and mash the edge of a spoon into the side, forming scales, starting at the top and working your way around the outside of the egg in concentric circles.
- Spray each egg with the gold cake spray.
- Place eggs back into the freezer until ready to serve.
- Serve cold.