Before you read any further, know that I understand trifles are supposed to fill the bowl…but I am not into making 9 million pounds of cake that no one will eat. Because I was afraid that this recipe for Gluten-Free & Vegan Rainbow Trifle would turn out horrible. I was so horribly wrong. Horribly. We were licking the bowl clean. Now, I’m afraid to make more, because we’ll eat it all. Every. Last. Bite. So, if you want it to fill the bowl, you need to make 3 times this recipe. No kidding–3 times. But for me and my kids to eat that…we’re not going to do that to ourselves yet. Let’s let this last batch digest first. Heh.
So, the trifle recipe that inspired me: The Kitchen Magpie’s Rainbow Cake Trifle. She’s got a great step-by-step for making the rainbow layers. But I totally did it in a single rectangle baking dish instead of two round ones. I still got very pretty rainbows throughout. But she’s got a great tutorial, so I would head over there if I were you. LOL!
And what brought it all together? The vegan pudding that I am now IN LOVE with: Texanerin’s Vegan Pudding. Easy, yummy and totally my next obsession. Be on the lookout for all sorts of pudding-licious desserts now…LOL!
Gluten-Free & Vegan Rainbow Trifle
Gluten-Free & Vegan Rainbow Trifle
I was afraid that this recipe for Gluten-Free & Vegan Rainbow Trifle would turn out horrible. I was so horribly wrong. Horribly.
- Cake
- 2 cup gluten-free flour, I used Bob's Redmill All Purpose
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tspn vanilla
- 1 tspn white vinegar
- 1/3 cup oil
- 1 cup water
- 1 tspn baking soda
- 1/2 tspn salt
- 6 drops of magenta food coloring
- 6 drops of purple food coloring
- 6 drops of teal food coloring
- 6 drops of orange food coloring
- Pudding
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
- 7 tblspn cornstarch
- pinch of salt
- 7 tblspn sugar
- 2 1/2 cups coconut milk from the can
- Whipped Cream
- 2 cans coconut milk, refrigerated overnight so it seperates
- 1/2 cup powdered sugar
- 1/2 tspn vanilla extract
- Preheat oven to 375-degrees.
- Grease a square or rectangular baking pan with oil. Set aside.
- To make the cake, mix the dry ingredients in a medium mixing bowl.
- Combine the wet ingredients in a second medium mixing bowl, except the food coloring.
- Add wet to dry in 1/3 increments, stirring thoroughly.
- Divide batter evenly into 4 smaller bowls.
- Add one food coloring to each of the 4 smaller bowls.
- Mix each thoroughly, using a clean spoon for each.
- Pour the purple batter into the greased pan and gently spread.
- Pour the magenta batter into the greased pan on top of the purple, in the center. Gently rock the pan back and forth to spread the magenta batter.
- Pour the teal batter into the greased pan on top of the magenta, in the center. Gently rock the pan back and forth to spread the teal batter.
- Pour the orange batter into the greased pan on top of the teal, in the center. Gently rock the pan back and forth to spread the yellow batter.
- Place the cake in the oven and bake for 40-55 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean from the center.
- Remove the cake from the oven and allow to cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
- Remove the cake from the pan and allow to cool completely on a wire rack. Set aside.
- While that's cooling, make your pudding by placing 3/4 of the coconut milk into a sauce pan over medium heat.
- Add the salt and sugar, stirring until combined.
- Mix the remaining 1/4 of the coconut milk with the cornstarch and stir until mixed completely.
- When the coconut milk mixture on the stove is steaming and little bubbles begin to form, add the coconut milk and cornstarch mixture and stir continuously using a whisk until the pudding thickens.
- Immediately remove from heat.
- Remove from the pan (carefully--its hot!) and place in a cool bowl. Set aside.
- While that is cooling, make your whipped cream by scooping out the cream from the cans of coconut milk.
- Add the powdered sugar to the cream and whip until soft peaks form. Set aside.
- As soon as the pudding is cool enough to handle, you can assemble your trifle!
- Slice the cake in 1-inch wide strips width-wise and down the middle lengthwise.
- Place chunks of cake in your bowl, then the pudding, then cake, then the whipped cream.
- Refrigerate for 2 hours at a minimum, although overnight is...well, it's AWESOME.
- You should definitely eat every bite...this Gluten-Free & Vegan Rainbow Trifle is amazing...
Love it? Hate it? Wanna marry it and have Gluten-Free & Vegan Rainbow Trifle babies with it? Lemme know! LOL!