Earth Day Books and Crafts

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Below is a few different books and crafts that are fantastic to teach kids about the Earth Day. As Earth Day approaches we all should take a moment to think about the footprint we leave on the Earth for the generations that come after us. That being said, it’s always fun to come up with a craft or book to teach the kids how and what they can do to help out the earth. We hope you enjoy our suggestions below!


Earth Day, Every Day

The Adventures of an Aluminum Can: A Story About Recycling

The Adventures of a Plastic Bottle: A Story About Recycling

I Can Save the Earth!: One Little Monster Learns to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

The EARTH Book

Compost Stew


These adorable earth day hearts can be great for a class room project if you home school or you’re a traditional teacher.

How adorable are these! I mean these are bombs for the earth that are healthy. Too much fun!

Color your own tote that is a resusable bag, rather than using plastic or paper bags.

Another craft for the classroom. This is a big one and totally fun. Think of this also when starting a green house.

Sent these cards out to friends as a reminder that it’s earth day and how special the earth really is.

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For Earth Day

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