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I think that a good number of people, despite what they might seem like on the outside, feel that they are total introverts on the inside. I’m totally an introvert–but lots of people think I’m a super-extrovert because I hide it pretty well. Let me tell you–I’m NOT extroverted AT ALL. I have to come-up with all sorts of tricks to help me get through even normal things like a playdate or, even coming up with An Introvert Mom’s Guide to Shopping with 3 Kids. This is real, my lovelies. I’m seriously considering writing a book about being introverted–but I don’t want to have to leave my house for all those book signings. Heh.
An Introvert Mom’s Guide to Shopping with 3 Kids
- Make a List. You want in the store and out as fast as possible. No extra things in the basket–unless you need them. Heh.
- Order the List. For reals, put things in order as you’d find them in the store–this will save you from having to backtrack or pause in the aisles as you read through the list again.
- Wear a Disguise. Not that your neighbors would recognize you as the hermit that lives next door to them anyway, but just in case.
- Send the Oldest Kid. Seriously, if they’re over like 10, they should be able to go to the other side of the store for that one thing you forgot, right?! Maybe they can just do the shopping while you sit in the car, even.
- Save Yourself ALL of This Trouble. Shop online at Seriously, you can even buy the goods to change your oil (something you can totally do at home and avoid the awkwardness of sitting in a mechanic’s office while you wait FOREVER with your three screaming monsters so that the receptionist can stare at you…). I change my own oil pretty frequently–so I know it can be done. And all I need is some Pennzoil, for which has me covered.
- Pick-Up In-Store OR Have It Delivered. Then you only have to deal with stepping about 10 feet into the store, or (even better), you can hide behind your own door while the delivery man drops your goods on your porch (my personal choice). And you don’t even have to get out of your pj’s if they’re delivering…just sayin’.
Basically, the crux of all this is that shopping online makes it a thousand times easier to get all sorts of things (including the Pennzoil) so you don’t have to deal with crowds, fussy kids, or 1,000 trips to the bathroom. Because, seriously, that has to be one of the single-most stressful times in an introvert mom’s life. Shopping in an empty store is hard–but with people?! *shudder* Heh.
And, you can find lots of Pennzoil products on Rollback for a limited time (and other awesome stuff) on They have lots of fun niche-stuff, too, that you can’t find in the store. And having it delivered to your house is just…well, talk about introvert-heaven.
Would you add anything to my Introvert Mom’s Guide to Shopping with 3 Kids? If so, drop me a line in the comments below or find me over on Facebook–I’d love to hear from you! LOL! And don’t forget to hit-up for Pennzoil…your car REALLY needs that oil change. Heh.