When you have a baby, you become creepy-obsessed with sleep. I’m serious. When did the baby last sleep? When is the next time you get to go to sleep? How long can you survive on so little sleep? But with all of that thinking about sleep, you don’t always get to DO much sleeping! That’s why I’m so excited to share with you these 5 crazy baby sleep hacks I wish I knew with my first baby. Use them well and get yourself some sleep, Mamma!
5 Crazy Baby Sleep Hacks I Wish I Knew With My First Baby
- Take a calming bath with Johnson’s Head to Toe Extra Moisturizing Baby Wash. The warm water will help your baby calm down and get ready for sleep, plus the moisturizing baby wash will help protect your baby’s sensitive skin!
- Give your baby a gentle baby massage with Johnson’s Head to Toe Extra Moisturizing Baby Cream. The gentle touches from you are a perfect way to help your sweet baby relax before bed!
- Put your little one in footie jammies. They keep them warm from their nose to their toes, and the gentle compression can feel just like being swaddled and snuggled!
- Rock your baby and sing a quiet song. I know that some nights you’ll want nothing more than to escape the nursery and sit in the blessed, blessed silence that follows bedtime, but trust me one day you will miss those quiet moments snuggling and singing to your little one! AND, because it simulates the movement in the womb, this actually helps them calm a little (that’s why it works).
- Put your baby down drowsy but awake, or wide awake, or fast asleep. Seriously, this is the best advice I’ve got. You put your baby down however you need to put them down so that they fall asleep and stay asleep! Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty. For one kid, it might be different than another. Mine have to be fully asleep. YOU know best.
With these 5 crazy baby sleep hacks I wish I knew with my first baby, you and your little one will be getting a better night’s sleep! I pinky promise that all of these hacks are tried and true, and I have four babies, so I’ve had lots of practice. Seriously, when you have as many tiny humans as I do getting them to sleep is top priority!
Probably my favorite of the 5 crazy baby sleep hacks I wish I knew with my first baby is the before-bed-bath. I love to give my kiddos a relaxing bath with Johnson’s Head to Toe Extra Moisturizing Baby Wash. It helps keep their sensitive skin soft and protected and it helps us make some really fun memories! Johnson’s Head to Toe Extra Moisturizing Baby Wash and Baby Cream lock in 10 times more moisture than the normal Head to Toe Baby Wash and Baby Cream!
Plus, 9 out of 10 moms saw an improvement in their kiddo’s skin when they made the switch. This stuff is the bomb, y’all. So if you’re trying to get your baby to sleep without the fight, definitely give Johnson’s Head to Toe Extra Moisturizing Baby Wash a try! And make sure you pin this post to refer back to the next time your little one is fighting sleep.