4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill

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Houses are expensive places to live, but you get a yard and fun other things like pools and whatnot. If you’re paying the bills, you need these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill in your back pocket – so that when those expensive summer months come, you know what to cut back on.

Before we moved into a house, we had so few things to pay for–and we didn’t even realize it.

The biggest bill we’ve been facing this summer has been our water bill.

We seriously ended up paying more this summer on our water bill than we’d payed in water bills for a whole year in our apartment home.

So, we’re buckling down with these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill.

Hopefully, this fall we won’t have such sticker-shock when the water bill comes.

Houses are expensive places to live, but you get a yard and fun other things like pools and whatnot. If you're paying the bills, you need these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill in your back pocket – so that when those expensive summer months come, you know what to cut back on.

4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill

  1. Only run your dishwasher when it’s full. My mom used to have this rule in our house to “run the dishwasher every night–so the dishes are clean in the morning.” Great for a family that produced a ton of dishes. But our family doesn’t. And I found that we were running the dishwasher every night–but it wasn’t all full. Sometimes it wasn’t even half-full. So, super simple: just wait. I’ve gotten down to 3 loads a week…
  2. Flush your toilets less frequently. This was a no-brainer once I realized what was happening. Unfortunately, the older toilets in our new house were requiring 3-4 flushes sometimes for a single potty-event. It didn’t even dawn on me until my mom pointed it out. You couldn’t flush anything down those old toilets. So, I needed a new toilet – the investment would make for a LOT of saved dollars…and my local Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® service provider made it super easy. I just went to the home supply store, picked out a new toilet, brought it home, and the Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® team installed it in no time.

Houses are expensive places to live, but you get a yard and fun other things like pools and whatnot. If you're paying the bills, you need these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill in your back pocket – so that when those expensive summer months come, you know what to cut back on.

  1. Fix broken sprinkler heads. When we moved into our new house, we had no idea that the sprinkler system was such a mess. We just ran the sprinklers and then were shocked when the bill came in. When all was said and done, we had 3 broken sprinkler heads that were just pouring water down the street–not even watering the lawn. So, with a giant pipe just releasing water everywhere…well, $10 later, we had new heads and our lawn actually started to look greener.
  2. Replace the seal on your water hose. I thought there was something wrong with the hose bib in our new house…turns out that our hose had lost its seal. And the one on the other end? Dry rotted. So, rather than 1/2 of the water coming out of the hose bib going into a puddle right there, the hose now has full pressure…and I don’t spend 15 minutes watering my potted plants – just five.

Houses are expensive places to live, but you get a yard and fun other things like pools and whatnot. If you're paying the bills, you need these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill in your back pocket – so that when those expensive summer months come, you know what to cut back on.

Honestly, the biggest change for us was getting those toilets replaced.

I can’t believe we were flushing so much!

If you’re ready to get your toilets or a leaky faucet fixed-up , it’s time to call your local Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® team, part of the Direct Energy family of brands, with independently owned and operated locations around the country.

To find a location near you, visit their website or call 855-BEN-1776.

Houses are expensive places to live, but you get a yard and fun other things like pools and whatnot. If you're paying the bills, you need these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill in your back pocket – so that when those expensive summer months come, you know what to cut back on.

They provide a quality, local service, backed by a national brand you can trust, with an on-time guarantee from licensed professionals that are happy to help you and explain what they’re doing, every step of the way.

The professional plumbers that visited my house and installed my new toilet were super helpful and made the experience so pleasant – answering all my questions about what they were doing, and even offering to help me with other plumbing questions I had.

So now that you have these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill as a reminder, be sure to pin this!

Houses are expensive places to live, but you get a yard and fun other things like pools and whatnot. If you're paying the bills, you need these 4 Simple Tips Save on Your Water Bill in your back pocket – so that when those expensive summer months come, you know what to cut back on.

Sponsored by Benjamin Franklin Plumbing® service providers. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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