25 Star Wars Crafts You Need in Your Life

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An insane amount of fun awaits you, padawan, with these 25 Star Wars Crafts you need in your life. No, really, my youngling friend, this is hours of fun to show how deep your love of the Galaxy Far Far Away truly is…

In a Galaxy Far Far Away, there is a space opera that is, seemingly, never-ending.

Characters we love–including Yoda, whose not even a human, but a puppet/CGI character.

And they’re all for us to enjoy on the big screen.

But, what’s one step better than just enjoying them in the dark with a big bucket of popcorn? Not much.

Ok. That was fair, I walked right into that one.

Ah, but you can’t watch the movies 24/7–so I came up with these 15 Star Wars Crafts you need in your life to show just how much you WISH you could watch the movies 24/7.

See? Saved it.

But let’s get on with the Star Wars-loving.

An insane amount of fun awaits you, padawan, with these 25 Star Wars Crafts you need in your life. No, really, my youngling friend, this is hours of fun to show how deep your love of the Galaxy Far Far Away truly is... #nerdymammablog #starwars #starwarscrafts #crafts #solo #jedi #yoda #craft #darkside #vader

An insane amount of fun awaits you, padawan, with these 25 Star Wars Crafts you need in your life. No, really, my youngling friend, this is hours of fun to show how deep your love of the Galaxy Far Far Away truly is... #nerdymammablog #starwars #starwarscrafts #crafts #solo #jedi #yoda #craft #darkside #vader

An insane amount of fun awaits you, padawan, with these 25 Star Wars Crafts you need in your life. No, really, my youngling friend, this is hours of fun to show how deep your love of the Galaxy Far Far Away truly is... #nerdymammablog #starwars #starwarscrafts #crafts #solo #jedi #yoda #craft #darkside #vader

Now, for my pinnerific pinner friends!

Pin this…no, really, you’re going to want this list so you can come back to it for the next craft…and the next…and the next…

An insane amount of fun awaits you, padawan, with these 25 Star Wars Crafts you need in your life. No, really, my youngling friend, this is hours of fun to show how deep your love of the Galaxy Far Far Away truly is... #nerdymammablog #starwars #starwarscrafts #crafts #solo #jedi #yoda #craft #darkside #vader

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