A long time ago, I made the decision that changed the routine of our days. I made the much more pleasant for all of us by doing this one thing–holding my baby during her naptime. My lovelies, I think this was probably the smartest choice I ever made–and definitely made me a happier parent in the end. Why I Hold My Baby for Naps is kind of a big deal and I’ll be forever thankful that I had the opportunity to hold her. This is not meant to be advice, just more like “this is what I do”. I think lots of people find it easier to put their babies down in the cradle or bassinet and do some cleaning–which I did a couple of times with my older daughter. But, well, I have some very specific reason Why I Hold My Baby for Naps. And I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Why I Hold My Baby for Naps – And Its Great
- Bonding with My Baby. Every moment I hold her–awake or asleep, I am bonding with her, firming-up the connection between us. So that, when things get tough (like when she becomes a teenager and won’t cuddle under her favorite Disney Baby Minnie Mouse Plush Blanket with me), we’ll be able to weather the storm better.
- Relaxation. I need that 2 hours (YES!) to chill and just unwind. Its fine with me if it’s only an hour, or even 30 minutes. But that time is better even than having a massage. Rejuvenating on every level.
- Bonding with My Toddler. Yeah, we started with breastfeeding the baby being a bonding experience with my toddler–and now it’s progressed to nap time. We all three share in the moment, cuddling with the binkie and sometimes our favorite plush, Eeyore.
- Longer Naps. Ok, so if I put baby down, she’ll sleep for about 30 minutes. But if I hold her, I get 2 hours sometimes, and that pretty regularly. So, yeah, I’ll take holding her and a long daytime nap with all these great benefits over a 30 minute quickie where I can do a couple chores.
One thing that really helps make her naps just so much fun is her blankie. We picked-out this Minnie Mouse blanket from the Disney Baby at Walmart blanket selection and now it’s her favorite. We play peek-a-boo with it, she sleeps with it–she even gnaws on it when she’s teething…little cutie. And I was so excited to hold her in it this Mother’s Day, since last year she was in the hospital…And, there’s the crux of Why I Hold My Baby for Naps – And Its Great. I am getting those moments that I lost while she was brand new.
Do you have any special moments you share with your baby or child that you wouldn’t give up for the world? Drop me a line in the comments below to let me know!