Parenting really never ends does it? From conception until death I am a mother. I am already thinking about what kind of relationship I want with my kids when they are all grown up. That is why I came up with these tips to ensure a great relationship with your children when they are adults! I am working these tips NOW and you should be too!
Tips to Ensure a Great Relationship With Your Children When They Are Adults
Trust is a Great Place to Start
My children have had to “trust” me to take care of them from the moment they were born. As they get older this trust isn’t guaranteed anymore…I have to earn it. I have to be true to my word and be honest with my kids. When my kids know they can trust me when they are children they will remember that they can trust me when they are adults.
Develop a Connection From the Beginning
It is really, really hard for this soft-hearted, nerdy mamma to comprehend….but I read stories about parents who don’t have a strong connection with their child. I am sure this happens for a variety of reasons. I believe that the parent-child connection has to start at the very beginning…in utero…at birth. It takes TIME–literally for connections to be made. Both parents need to spend time with their newborn baby. That time connection can’t stop either. There has to be constant and continual work to maintain a strong parent-child connection. A strong connection with your child will NEVER end, no matter how old they get.
Make Time a Priority
Quality time, smality time. Yea–that isn’t a word, lol. Kids need more then “quality” time. My kids need ME. They need their dad. They need a lot of time to feel like a priority in our lives. When my kids feel like they matter to us it will make them feel secure in our relationship. This security will translate into a better relationship when they are adults.
Communicate With Kids
I have to remember that even though my kids are young I still need to be communicating with them effectively. Keeping open lines of communication will help our relationship be healthy and strong. My kids may not always like what I have to say, but they know that I will be open and honest with them. We are learning that we can disagree respectfully now and in the future.
These tips to ensure a great relationship with your children when they are adults are not that hard to follow. Some of it is just being intentional and remembering that these years are fleeting. 🙁 Keeping the end goal in mind is always helpful. Being a parent that my kids want to visit even when I am old and wrinkly is my end game! 🙂
Be sure to PIN these tips to ensure a great relationship with your children when they are adults. It is important to start NOW so that you have someone to take care of you when you have fallen and can’t get up, LOL!