Ok. So, here’s the deal. When I got pregnant for the first time, regardless of the fact that it was a dream-come-true, I totally panicked. And one friend, to this day, stands-out from the rest. She blew me away with her kindness and sincerity–and we were really just acquaintances, but she made my pregnancy-ride SO MUCH EASIER. For real, she brought me one gift, that no one else thought to give me, that changed my whole experience. Y’all, this is the one gift you need to give a pregnant friend–because, despite the fact that she might not think so, she really needs this…Reassurance.
How to Give Reassurance to a Pregnant Friend…
There’s nothing more scary than pregnancy. Suddenly, you’re not just responsible for your own self and your own decisions, but you’re suddenly affecting this tiny little person inside you with EVERY SINGLE BREATH. So, even if it’s a second (or third or fourth or whatever) pregnancy, there’s all sorts of things you have to think about…and handily, reassurance comes in a trusted voice that’s been around for years: What to Expect When You’re Expecting. This book brings information to the table for new moms, new dads, and gives everybody the heads-up on what’s next, what’s going on right now, and what we can stop worrying about, because–it’s (whew) normal.
Yeah, it may have been written back in 1984, but it’s STILL the reigning “bible of pregnancy”. It’s also been named one of the 25 most influential books by USA Today. And, it’s not like it’s not continually being updated. Every new revision takes into consideration what’s changed (because although we’ve been giving birth since, well, forever, some things DO change).
I read through the latest version (because I am giving it to a friend–NOT because I’m pregnant, because I’m not, just FYI), and it includes so much about prenatal screening (with all the genetic testing and everything), all about ultrasounds (even 3D and 4D ones), and even stuff about social media and pregnancy like mommy wars, bump sharing and pregnancy announcements. And the fact that the newest version (the 5th Edition), includes everything expectant moms need to know about the Zika virus?! Well, that’s just REALLY up-to-date.
Seriously, this book is like a best friend who knows what you’re going through and is there to give you the advice you need–if you’re pregnant (please don’t try raising a teen based on it–not gonna work, LOL!).
During my pregnancy, I was scared as most mothers would be, mainly because I didn’t know what to expect. I felt alone and kind of adrift. But this book saved me and really helped me with that, it gave me what nobody else could a step by step guide of the things I should expect–kind of an insight of what is going to happen to me from a perspective of a woman who went through the same things. So, reassurance. That’s the gift–the book is just the tool to do it. LOL!