I’m tired of looking at other moms and comparing myself. I do that. Like most people. But I’ve just gotten tired of it recently. I look at my friends, the blogs I frequent, and I just compare, compare, compare! It’s ridiculous, really. Again, I’m pretty sure most people do that. It’s like a plague. But I feel like I can stop that. For reals. Because I’m SuperMom and it’s ok for me to be proud of it.
SuperMom. Proud.
- I made a people. And then I made 2. Yup. I can be proud of the fact that I got knocked up, carried that little human for 8 months and then brought her into the world. And that I did it again. So far, I have two wonderful people I love very much and, hopefully love me for more than my milk and cookies.
- I got the dishes done this week. Three times. I may have had to rely on my husband to do the laundry, but hells, yeah, I got the dishes done 3 times this week. That’s totally an accomplishment for me. I also took a shower every day this week. SCORE!
- I was super-selfish and had a “me” moment. Despite the fact that it meant I had to leave the girls with their dad and my son with his grandparents, I spent 15 minutes doing my own thing. It was sublime. Even if it was just reading a book.
- I’m helping my toddler make friends because I’m making friends. I am not so good at the friend thing. They take effort and I’m bad at that. I’m socially awkward, to say the least. But We had our first playdate and we were invited back. So I can’t be doing that bad.
- I loved my children with every piece of my heart–and showed it to the best of my ability. This was the hardest thing. I know, I know, but a person could easily get angry and not laugh lovingly when the toddler is screaming “no” at everything in sight. Or one could just walk away from the baby that’s crying about her first teeth. Or one could play-up to the 13-year old that is bating you into a fight. But I didn’t. Nope. I laughed, picked-up and let my oldest have a pretend “win”. Basically, I think giving them what they needed is probably the thing I am most proud about.