Y’all, I took my eyes off them for two. seconds. Two seconds and my crazy girls made such a mess I was in disbelief. Flour. Alllll over the house. Of course, the girls were having a blast, and I had a mild panic attack. My OCD really shows up when my house is covered in white flour, who knew? So I set forth like a brave little soldier to tackle the mess, and I lived to tell the tale. Now, I get to share with all of you lovely mammas these 5 hacks for surviving a flour disaster.
5 Hacks for Surviving a Flour Disaster
- Don’t leave your kids alone for 2 seconds-ever.
- LOCK your flour containers (seriously, y’all!)
- Take a picture because one day you’ll think this is cute.
- Laugh/cry with the kids while taking in the complete flour disaster
- Clean up with the Libman Freedom Spray Mop
With those 5 hacks to survive a flour disaster and a little wine (because let’s be real y’all, I needed wine!) we all made it through the disaster alive! I was so relieved that the Libman Freedom Spray Mop took care of the crazy flour mess so quickly and easily! It was so quick, in fact, that my two tiny troublemakers didn’t even have time to make another mess while I was cleaning!
This Libman Freedom Spray Mop has a 360-degree swivel neck that helps reach into awkward spaces and crowded corners, which is just where flour loves to stay stuck! It also has a thick microfiber pad that can be washed and re-used up to 100 times! Trust me, even with these 5 hacks for surviving a flour disaster, I’ll probably need all 99 more washes with these kiddos! If your kids make crazy messes like mine, I’d highly recommend that you get yourself one of these Libman Freedom Spray Mops!
Oh, and make sure that you pin this post to save it for later to remind yourself you aren’t alone when your kids destroy your house with flour!