Seriously, I don’t know what I would do without Pinterest for my blog. If you’ve been around the blogging community for the last few years, you definitely understand the importance of social media. And Pinterest is the one you want to start with, whether you’re a travel blogger, lifestyle, or mommy blogger. Pinterest can help you in so many ways…and not just as a fun way to waste time on your phone. Let’s talk about the three biggest reasons why every blogger should be using Pinterest.
Why Every Blogger Should be Using Pinterest
Promote Your Content
This is what it’s all about right? You want the PAGEVIEWS! You NEED the pageviews first and foremost. You don’t have a successful blog if you don’t have people reading it.
You don’t have readers unless you promote, promote, promote. After all of that, promote some more! In all seriousness, Pinterest is THE BEST way to promote your content. It’s easy to get in front of your target audience, especially when you are a new blogger. From the casual weekend blogger to the most serious fashion blogger, you can bet they’re promoting on Pinterest.
Networking With Other Bloggers
Of course, you want to have readers, but you also want to meet other bloggers. I don’t know what I would do without my blogging besties!
What’s one of the best way to meet people who are in the same field of work as you? Better yet, what’s the best way to get in touch with that elusive promoter of your favorite brand that you are dying for a sponsorship with? If you said networking, you nailed it.
Obviously, networking is most easily done with the power of social media, and what better than the super-visual Pinterest? EVERYONE hangs out on Pinterest.
Become A Super Sleuth
This time I’m not talking about networking. I’m talking about being a blogging super sleuth. They are your friends, potential collaborators and also “the competition.” Watch what the best bloggers do and see how you can do that too.
I’m not talking about COPYING them, but use them as inspiration to take your blog to the next level.
If you can find others in your niche, you can also find the brands that they’ve worked with. If those brands are working with those other bloggers, they will probably work with you too!
You may even find yourself a mentor. Someone to show you the ropes and maybe even trade some secrets of success! Finding others in your niche is just as important as networking with promoters and brands!
Have you started to promote your content on Pinterest yet? Let’s trade some secrets down in the comments!