There is nothing worse than holiday season when you think and think and brainstorm what to get for that special guy in your life, or your brother, or your cousin, and you just come up blank. Zip. Zilch. Nothing. I mean, you can buy them socks again… but socks?!!
Enter Craft Beer Club. Yes, you read that right. It’s a club for beer… also known as every guy’s dream! All you do is choose a shipment and you can receive top-notch and the best quality of craft brews from all around the United States every month on your doorstep! There’s no membership fee, no obligation to continue and you can always cancel at any time – though I’m not sure why you’d want to!
For only $39 a shipment, you receive the best of the best brewed beers, a monthly newsletter and even bonus gifts. For a beer lover, it’s a dream come true! Monthly too often to receive this incredible package? You can change the frequency, receiving monthly, every-other-monthly or quarterly – whichever suits you or your beer lover best!