Stress-Free Baby Weaning in 3 Easy Steps

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I never realized just how hard it is to wean a baby until I actually had a baby that was like–ready to wean. That sounds really dumb, but it’s the truth. You can’t possibly know just how weirdy-stressful and awkward it can be until you’re facing a fussy, picky eater that can’t even figure out how to suck mush off a spoon but desperately wants to eat…ugh! Not with little Donut, though, she’s weaning like a champ with no stress on my part. And I got to this Stress-Free Baby Weaning in 3 Easy Steps. Ridiculous that I was’t able to do this with Jelly. But I’ll apologize to her later, like when she’s an adult and I’m not still trying to teach her to hold a spoon…

You can actually wean your baby in 3 easy steps. For real.

Stress-Free Baby Weaning in 3 Easy Steps

  • Yummy, wholesome food. Have you ever taste-tested what you put in your kid’s mouth? I have. I won’t put anything in her lips that I haven’t tried. And if I can’t stand the taste, I don’t think she can either. Of all the baby food I’ve tried, I like Pure Spoon’s baby food flavors–and, frankly, little Donut seems to prefer Pure Spoon, too. I don’t know if it’s the organic fruits and veggies or the pasteurization process, but they just taste like fresh food instead of processed mush. simple ideas for weaning a baby random
  • Baby-led. A big thing I’m doing with Donut that I did not do with Jelly is this whole baby-led weaning thing. With Jelly, we tried to shove it in her face and just push-through. A kind of “she’ll figure it out if she’s hungry” idea. Which, I guess is true. But with Donut, we’re just being more relaxed (hence, “stress-free”). We put food, cut into little bites, in front of her and she eats it–or she just whacks at it. If I put some baby food on a spoon and she doesn’t lunge at it like a raving lunatic (which is what she honestly does a lot), I don’t try to make her taste it even. Not worth my stress. I let her get hungry and I give her a bottle (and put some baby food in there, if I wanna). how to wean a baby without stress fb
  • Embrace the mess. This is a big deal, seriously. I basically just give-up on keeping Donut clean and that has made a huge difference in my life. I just let her at the food and if it gets everywhere, we have fun in the bath as our next activity. I don’t let “messy” stop me from having fun with her, either. If I’m the one holding the spoon and it goes flying–I just laugh about it. No reason to be upset. It’s all part of her learning process. easy way to wean a baby feature

Thank you for sharing!

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