How to Create a Fire Safety Plan with Kids

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I love this quick tutorial on creating a fire safety plan with kids! So simple and fun.I remember loving fire drill day at school. All of my friends loved it because we got to walk outside during class time! What little kid didn’t love that? The thing is, it’s way more likely for my kids to experience a fire in our home than at school, and we’ve never had a fire drill here. If you’re like me and realizing that you may not have talked with your kids about what to do in case of a fire at home, check out how to create a fire safety plan with kids.

I love this quick tutorial on creating a fire safety plan with kids! So simple and fun.

What You Need to Create a Fire Safety Plan With Kids

  • Kids. Duh.
  • Paper.
  • Crayons.
  • Make Safe Happen App

I love this quick tutorial on creating a fire safety plan with kids! So simple and fun.

How to Create a Fire Safety Plan With Kids

  1. Explain to your kids what you’re doing and why. There’s no need to really scare them, but let them know about the importance of staying safe if there’s ever a fire in your home.
  2. Talk through the steps you’ll need to take if a fire occurs. The fire alarm will start beeping, then you’ll need to get outside as quickly as possible, and then you’ll all meet at the safety spot. But wait, what’s a safety spot? Onto step three…
  3. Find and agree on a safety spot. You need a spot that is near your home but far enough away to be safe. It also needs to be memorable.
  4. Now you’re going to have your kids map out the fire safety plan. Depending on your kids’ ages, they may write or draw out the steps.
  5. Now you get to practice your fire safety plan! Use the Make Safe Happen app as a timer and practice getting out of the house as quickly as possible. Make it a game and try to beat the clock!

If your kids are reluctant to practice the fire safety drill, try to play some games with it! For some kids just using the Make Safe Happen app is going to be enough, but for other kids you have to raise the stakes! Maybe have a race to see who can get to the safety spot the quickest without running? Oh, you could also challenge everyone to pretend there’s smoke and crawl out of the house! I think practicing is the funnest part of creating a fire safety plan with kids!

I love this quick tutorial on creating a fire safety plan with kids! So simple and fun.

You should practice your fire safety plan with your kids at least twice a year, but if you have young kids I’d recommend doing it even more often. October 15th is Home Fire Drill Day, and you can take the Home Fire Drill Day Pledge! Then download the Make Safe Happen app and get to practicing your fire safety plan with your kids!

I love this quick tutorial on creating a fire safety plan with kids! So simple and fun.

Thank you for sharing!

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